Venture Culture – My idea

Following our first lecture in the Venture Culture module we were asked to come up with an idea for a product, sevice or business that could be used as a basis to work from for the first term. My initial idea is outlined below.

Lunchbox app – This idea came from a BBC News article I read a few days earlier. The article focused on how parents are failing to put enough fruit and veg in their children’s packed lunches. I therefore came up with the idea of a game-like application that teaches primary school children the importance of eating a healthy packed lunch. It would work by allowing children to input exactly what was included in their own packed lunch and give them a daily rating based on this information. As well as providing children with useful tips on healthy eating, it would also provide an opportunity to compete with their friends and therefore give them a fun incentive to eat a healthy packed lunch every day. I think this idea has a lot of potential as its clearly an area than can be improved. Online websites have previously attemped to do this, but this idea would encourage repeated use and offer a way of getting the healthy eating message across to children which they can easily relate to. Through a game.

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