Archive for April, 2012

Realtime – Testing in the Dome

Below are two videos from when I  tested the final dome corrected animations in the dome. The video quality isn’t great but I can confirm that they worked pretty well in inducing vection and I was happy with how they turned out. I do feel I have achieved what I had set out to do for this project. This was to create an immersive data visualisation that gives the viewer the feeling they are on a ride through the data in real time. Looking forward I would love to explore this idea further and develop a much larger programme that uses a long series of animations. This would provide viewers with more unique experiences.


Realtime – Economy Run

The video below shows the final version of my realtime project ‘Economy Run’. The final step is to dome correct the videos and change to resolution to match the dome.

Realtime – Animations

Below are the three videos I have created to represent when the exchange rate is increasing, decreasing and staying the same.

Video to represent exchange rate staying the same:


Video to represent exchange rate increasing:


Video to represent exchange rate decreasing:

Realtime – Blender

To create the animations for my project I have used Blender. I had decided to use a similar idea to the prototype I created and create three different animations which will be triggered depending on whether the  exchange rate has either increased, decreased or stayed the same. I have decided to base the animations on a tunnel as I felt this would be an effective way of inducing vection in the done environment. When creating the animation in Blender I first modeled a straight tunnel and parented all the elements of the tunnel to a curve as shown below. The camera has also been parented to the centre curve so that it follow the path when animated. This model was also  used to represent when the exhange rate stayed the same.

Simply by  moving the points of this curve would adjust the whole model and allow me to create the animations for when the exchange rate increased and decresed. The image below is the model I have set up for when the exchange rate increases.

This is the model I have set up for when the exchange rate decreases.